Perhaps the woman who inspires others can be defined as beautiful?

Any number of women can inspire your personal vision of beauty, but if you could only choose one woman – who would it be?

A beautiful heritage

Women inspired Ada as much as she inspired other women. As society changed and women's desires evolved, so did her designs. That's one of the reasons why La Perla is still inspiring women to feel beautiful today.

With our history in feminine-inspired craftsmanship and confidence-enhancing luxury, La Perla Beauty was a natural progression. But to stay true to Ada's innovative spirit, we knew it required something more than exquisite luxury – we wanted to create something beautifully unique and meaningful, and relevant to the modern woman. We had to dive deeper.

It was this exploration that caused us to reaffirm one of our unshakable values: that true beauty is beautiful both inside and out. As Ada knew, it's all about what lies beneath. It was then clear to us that our luxury beauty products would have to be ethical – a symbiosis of luxurious indulgence and responsible sustainability.

...a beautiful future

With Ada's legacy behind us, we got to work, and La Perla Beauty was born. Our passion for creating exquisite perfumes, indulgent bodycare and luxurious makeup is equalled only by our dedication to cruelty-free, clean beauty, and the sustainable ingredients and ethical processes that come with it. We are proud of our commitment to protecting our planet's animals and precious resources, as well as the people and communities we work with.

Ada also inspires us to keep looking forward, and get excited by new ideas. We want to be as inclusive as possible, and as we said in the last Uncovered, anyone who feels feminine can enjoy our products. Our heritage may be steeped in the maxim, by women, for women – but perhaps in the future we could explore visions of masculinity, too?

With our trusted formulations, made in Europe, we want to inspire today's woman to explore her beauty within – like Ada did, all those decades ago. We want her to celebrate her inner-self and femininity with confidence, and in doing so, inspire others to do the same. To us, that woman is beautiful.

We've shared stories about the women who have inspired us, and now we'd love to learn about the women that have inspired you. Let's share our stories, and enhance our appreciation of all the beautiful, inspiring women around us.

Uncover More: The Stories Behind Our Luxurious and Sustainable Ingredients