We sat down with our Chief Commercial Officer Lisa to talk about her journey towards being a conscious consumer, working with women in the beauty industry and, of course – chihuahuas.

"I believe that beauty isn't just about how you look – it's how it makes you feel. Sometimes it's the small things, like unwinding with some self-care, and sometimes it's the larger issues, such as sustainability. One of the reasons I love working for La Perla Beauty is because feeling and doing good are both considered as important as looking your best.

"Sustainability has been a personal journey for me, as much as a professional one. I've spent the last decade slowly changing my habits and mindset. What begins as a conscious decision soon becomes an unconscious one. I will choose less packaging and consider what I can reuse, or buy from a brand that allows me to refill a product rather than buy a new one. Sustainability is about embracing whatever the future holds, and adapting. We can all begin to make ethical choices, one small decision at a time."

What's the best advice you've ever been given?

To have courage in my convictions. I know my own mind and my values. For me, that involves challenging everything – I want to understand what I don't yet know. As I've grown, personally and professionally, I've learned to question more.

La Perla Beauty's maxim is 'by women, for women'. What does it mean to you?

As someone who has spent her career working for global beauty brands, it's important. I've always felt that I've had to 'break through' in what can be a very male-dominated industry at senior level management, so it's really refreshing to find a brand that is so genuinely female-focused. It's like a sorority – that feeling of belonging, that support structure. I'm surrounded by so many strong, talented women. We inspire each other and make each other feel proud to be successful. It also resonates personally, too. I feel that as a brand, La Perla Beauty understands me: like I'm being addressed emotionally and intellectually as a woman and an individual, not just as a consumer.

How would you describe your way of working?

Collaborative. I love getting to know the people I work with and having fun with them along the way. I'm also results-orientated. Knowing the end goal keeps me focused.

Name a thing you can't resist.

Chihuahuas! I have three of them. I'd have a house full of them if I could.

What is your top beauty tip?

One of my best buys is my silk turban. I'll never part from it. I sleep in it and it keeps my hair smooth and prevents breakage. I'm a believer in the power of silk: I also have a silk pillowcase to prevent creases in my skin.

What does La Perla Beauty's artisanal heritage mean to you?

It's one of the main reasons I wanted to work here. It's so inspiring coming into a brand that already has such a strong heritage of luxury and craftsmanship. It's an honour to know you are keeping those values and traditions alive, keeping them relevant, and communicating them to new generations of women.

If you could choose anyone to have dinner with, who would you invite?

Banksy. I really admire their creativity and the way they break down barriers. Also, there's the mystery – nobody knows what they looks like! How will I know it's them when they arrive?

Where in the world feels most like home?

I loved living in Rose Bay, Australia. Anywhere next to the calm of the water gives me a feeling of belonging.