We caught up with Pamela to talk about how being raised on a farm prepared her for sustainable living, and how she'd love to have dinner with an unlikely pairing: Diane Keaton and Paris Hilton!

“I remember my first day at La Perla Beauty. It was unlike any other first day I've ever had, as it was in the height of lockdown! But as soon as I met the team, albeit over Zoom meetings, any uncertainty I had just fell away.

"I was bowled over by the depth of knowledge and experience and their refreshing openness to learn and share. It's been astonishing to discover the lengths taken to ensure that every last detail is perfect, from the advanced technology we use on our website, to the cap of each perfume bottle. It's all part of the La Perla Beauty tradition of craftsmanship, and it runs through every facet of the brand.

“I do miss seeing my colleagues in the office, but I'm a firm believer in working flexibly. Being able to step away from the desk to walk my dog for half an hour allows my mind to approach a problem from a different perspective, and I use that time to consider what I'm trying to accomplish.”

What role does sustainability play in your personal life?

I grew up on a working farm in Canada. It was a long trek to the rubbish tip, so you always thought twice before wasting anything! We lived an almost zero-waste existence. I live in London now and I'm shocked by how much is wasted here. I always buy quality over quantity, and I love how La Perla Beauty's values are so aligned with the way I live my life.

What comes to mind when you think of sorority?

Working together to get ahead. To me, it's about empowering and supporting the women around you and them empowering and supporting you. We all benefit when we work collaboratively. And it's so much more fun!

Which woman has inspired you the most?

I'm very lucky to be able to say that there are too many to name. I'm inspired by women every day, and it's a joy to take inspiration from women in all walks of life – at home, at work, in the street, or on the TV. And also to genuinely feel part of a huge support network of incredible, inspirational women.

What does mindful beauty mean to you?

Clean, ethical beauty products should do good, and make you feel good. I think our tagline ‘confidence is beautiful’ says it all – that feeling of inner strength and assurance radiates outwards and reflects in ways that others can see and feel. Everyone is beautiful, and everyone has the capacity for confidence. The more you know yourself, the more your confidence grows. That's beautiful.

How do you keep fit?

I have a dog now, so I have to venture out in all weathers to take her for a walk. I also love to dance, which these days means getting together with my girlfriends for Zoom discos.

Which celebrity would you invite for dinner?

Can I have two? I'd have Diane Keaton and... Paris Hilton. Paris, you may laugh, but she created selfies! I think she's just so interesting. She's created her brand with the baseline of kindness, and it shines through whenever you see her with her following. And Diane – I mean, she's a legend. She is so funny, and I love her style. What she wears is exactly what I could wear all day.

What is your top beauty tip?

Never underestimate the magnificence of layering fragrance. It's absolutely a thing, and a fantastic one at that! It's such a fun way to experiment and discover unique scent combinations.