We can’t tell you what beauty is. But we think it’s a subject worth exploring.

That’s why we came up with the concept of Uncovered: a place where we can all share our own personal visions of beauty, women to women – whoever we are, and wherever we are in the world.

To open the conversation, we thought we would begin with our own interpretation – it’s something we’ve been thinking about a lot. Let’s look beyond...

The essence of La Perla Beauty

To us, all femininity is beautiful, whatever form it takes. We feel it’s something that radiates from within and includes all the features that make you unique. It’s what allows you to live your life the way you choose.

That’s why La Perla Beauty, including everything we stand for and everything we produce, is inspired by you – and that’s why we want to talk, and hear what you think. Think of us as your muse, and you as ours; a group of women who inspire one another to become the best versions of their unique selves. Learning is beautiful, and we can all learn something from the woman next to us. That’s the kind of space we want to create and nurture here, with Uncovered.

Everything we stand for and everything we produce, is inspired by you – and that’s why we want to talk, and hear what you think.

How do you feel your femininity manifests itself? We find that ours emerges as a fierce energy; a strength to do what we think is right, and to say what we mean. That doesn’t mean we are always right – who is? – but we always do our best and continue to listen and learn wherever we can.

Our commitment to a beautiful world

Why do we do what we do, and why Uncovered? You inspired us to create La Perla Beauty, so we hope we can give something back by inspiring you, too.

We hope that inspiration can include one of the cornerstones of our vision of beauty: confidence. Confidence is something we can give to others, as well as ourselves. It doesn’t just build healthy independence – when we reassure each other, it enriches our relationships and develops meaningful, loving connections, too.

It’s also more than just us, or just you. If you instill confidence in others, it gives them the courage to be who they want to be, and to do the right thing – not only for themselves, but for the people around them, and the society they live in. We think that is beautiful.

It’s the reasoning behind our commitment to responsible beauty, and one of our most cherished maxims: confidence is beautiful. It’s through our products that we wish to give the gift of confidence to women. Because the more confident La Perla women there are in the world, the more beautiful the world will be.

The more confident La Perla women there are in the world, the more beautiful the world will be.

This is why we would love for you to join us, wherever you are, as we define, and own, our visions of femininity on our journey towards mindful beauty, and the confidence it inspires.

Uncover More: The Stories Behind Our Collections

Discover a world of luxurious and sustainable beauty.