Beautifully interconnected

We know that beauty is personal, a celebration of the self. But while we love to champion this vital aspect of self-care, we also believe that beauty can reach further. How can we feel beautiful as a society?

Whichever La Perla Beauty products you choose for your pleasure, you can feel secure in knowing that the benefits extend to our interconnected society. When we empower ourselves, we can empower others.

No matter who we are or where we come from, we are all reliant on one another as an interconnected society. It's only through connecting, collaborating and communicating that we can learn and grow, and become our best and most beautiful selves.

We recognise that respect for others is crucial to this process. This is especially true when we're in a position to help those with less powerful voices than our own. One of the most beautiful benefits of self-care is that it provides us with the confidence and energy to help others.

That's why we strive to facilitate ethical sourcing and production processes, as well as committing our support to charities. This means that whichever La Perla Beauty products you choose for your pleasure, you can feel secure in knowing that the benefits extend to our interconnected society. When we empower ourselves, we can empower others.

Respecting people

What makes our products so special is the careful work of the people involved. Without this skilled network, we wouldn't be able to bring you our exquisite fragrance, bodycare and makeup products. So, it's important to us that we show our vendors, partners and employees our utmost consideration.

We look to collaborate with those committed to equal rights and fair pay for everyone. That includes our suppliers, distributors, and retail partners. We aim for transparency in our supply chain, and you can be confident in knowing that we work with some of the luxury industry's most respected suppliers.

Because these global challenges are important to us all, we ensure that our selection process is rigorous, enabling you to feel confident that our partners live up to our high standards. We require all our partners to agree to our Code of Conduct. It has zero-tolerance for modern-day slavery, human trafficking, forced labour or child labour. We also require compliance with the UK, EU and USA anti-bribery laws, and ask that our manufacturers provide regular status reports on sustainability goals.

We're proud to say that whenever you buy a La Perla Beauty product, you’re supporting the people who have helped to create it. So your joy is shared – as true beauty should be.

Protecting animals

We believe that true beauty never harms any living thing, and that includes animals. Animals are a special and vital part of what makes our world so diverse, so we are committed to treating them with the respect they deserve.

You can rest assured that we have never tested our products on animals, and we never will.

We want you to know that when it comes to our stance on animal cruelty, we make no exceptions. In our fragrances, for instance, we use the latest scientific techniques and safe-synthetic ingredients to mimic animal-derived aromas such as musk and civet. By doing this, we bring you beautiful, layered scents that are manufactured cruelty-free.

Our cruelty-free requirement is also formally written into our procurement contracts. This means that we ensure our suppliers continue to meet our high standards as part of our ongoing sourcing and quality control process. Ultimately, the result is that we're able to bring you products that have not harmed animals anywhere along the supply chain.


Ethically exquisite

Our dedication to maintaining ethical practices is an essential part of our craft. It's our mission – as part of our commitment to you, and the world around us – to ensure that our products are truly beautiful. That means making them beautiful from the inside out.

We proactively strive to make a real difference wherever we can – because we believe that all of our choices matter, no matter how small.

We at La Perla Beauty believe confidence is beautiful. Join us, and let's bring more beauty into our society, together.

More clean beauty