For Dr Pamela Benito, a facial aesthetics specialist based in London, a gentle paw in the face from her Pomeranian puppy is the perfect wake-up call.

Feeling gratitude for such simple pleasures sets the tone for the day – along with her relaxing morning skincare routine, of course.

“I’d say I’m a little unusual as I’m both a morning person and a night owl. I'm Spanish, and we're inclined to take both lunch and dinner late, so I’m often up past midnight. But I also rise early. This is usually courtesy of my Pomeranian puppy, Shiro, who likes to paw my face to wake me up! It never fails to make me smile. He's named after the Japanese word for ‘white’ due to his snowy coat and he looks like he is wearing eyeliner and mascara with his big, dark eyes. It’s a good job he’s so cute, as he once destroyed my beautiful black lace La Perla set!

There's another connection between Shiro and La Perla! He was a gift from my mother and, since I was a little girl, I always remember her having La Perla lingerie. I’ve followed in her footsteps, with the same appreciation of exquisite undergarments – it helps me to start the day feeling sexy and confident. I’m very interested in fashion and the ritual of getting dressed and choosing something to wear makes me feel good about myself."


I’m all about fragrance, from fresh flowers to candles – I even scent my underwear drawer with my favourite La Perla perfume.

"We should all take an opportunity to feel good about ourselves in the morning. Whether it’s the simple pleasure of opening the curtains to feel the sun on your face, meditation, an early walk or a spritz of your favourite perfume, the smallest action has the power to set the tone for your whole day."


Once a week I’ll do an exfoliating scrub. I love my skincare routine; I find it really relaxing and I enjoy that lovely, clean feeling after.

"Something I do religiously is my morning skincare routine. I wash my face and apply a hydrating moisturiser, year-round SPF50 and eye cream. A lot of people don’t bother with a dedicated eye cream, but I think it’s important, as the skin around the eye area is delicate and needs special treatment.

The smell of coffee always inspires me in the morning. If I don’t have a cup at home, I’ll grab one on the go while I’m walking Shiro. This gentle exercise helps me feel energised for the rest of the day. It's even better if the sun is shining and the sky is blue, which reminds me of my home city, Madrid. It takes me a while to feel ready to eat but, when I do, I love a fresh, flaky croissant and a fruit salad."


It’s so important to be able to feel good about yourself without depending on others. That’s a recipe for true contentment

"Although I’m based in London, my perfect morning would involve waking up beside the sea to the sound of the waves, followed by a barefoot walk on a deserted beach. I’m quite confident travelling alone – it’s so important to be able to feel good about yourself without depending on others. That’s the recipe for true contentment.”

More From Morning Moments

We love sharing stories; in our Morning Moments series we catch up with La Perla women about their morning routines.